
  • our clients span dtc, saas, fintech & crypto. they’ve found pmf, raised a/b rounds, and are ready for agro user acquisition. here’s a few:

Meet the Degens

    • sky thomas

      managed in excess of $100mm in paid social spend for clients spanning dtc, saas, fashion & non-profit.

    • james bertuzzi

      bootstrapped dtc headphones brand Status Audio ( to 8 figures. investor + advisor in dtc/hardware

Poignant Disclaimers

  • if the content isn't fun to make, it won't be fun to consume

    “this should be fun” has been our operating mantra since day one.

    marketers often forget that people are on social media to be entertained (or to engage in spiritually corrosive peer-envy).

    if we don’t have fun producing content, then we know it’s too oriented towards unabashed selling versus our primary intent: capturing attention and creating intrigue.

    is editing the 23rd version of a video ad “fun”? well, no. that part isn’t fun.

  • paid social will not solve all your problems

    what paid social can and cannot do remains a hotly debated item in undersized wework conference rooms around the globe.

    it will not fix a poor product. it will not give your brand a reason for existing, or uncommodotize your widget.

    but for the right brands, it is rocket fuel that can produce asymmetric results and instruct you about your customers along the way.

  • it's not for everyone

    it’s true: paid social isn’t for everyone.

    low-margin/low-ASP (average selling price) products are notoriously difficult for paid social ads. same for heavily commoditized products.

    and if you are trying to sell a CBD balm that’s going to be tricky too (FB forbids it).

    so let’s find out if you are a fit. contact us to start a conversation.